With Thanksgiving here, we wanted to share some of our favorite Thanksgiving Traditions throughout our Agency! Maybe some of our traditions can spark some new ones for you and your loved ones. We want to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!!
“I smoke a turkey and either a ham or pork butt on my smoker. Usually up most of the night doing it. Watch movies, football, etc. My favorite holiday because no one wants anything from anyone.”
David, Our Agency Principal and Licensed Insurance Agent
“At my house, our Thanksgiving tradition is big family meals. Our families converge on our house for a big meal with ham, turkey, all the trimming and multiple deserts.”
Kyle, Licensed Insurance Agent
“When I was younger, I wanted nothing more than to be a Chef when I got older. So for every Thanksgiving, I have the privilege of feeding my extended family. Its stressful, but I have been great success stories and more than a few failures. I don’t believe I’ll ever make a Turducken ever again but my apple/cinnamon glazed Turkey-roll could win awards! Outside of that, we always watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade to see the Rockettes dance.”
Leonard, Licensed Insurance Agent
“My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is seeing our entire family in one place. I am very thankful that all our family is close by to make this a possibility. We all gather to eat until we are stuffed and watch the Macy’s Parade and football!”
Carissa, Marketing Specialist
“I don’t really have any Traditions. I am however thankful for my family and everyone’s health.”
Jeff, Licensed Insurnace Agent and Broker-Risk Analyst