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Tips on Working from Home with Kids

By August 13, 2021November 22nd, 2024No Comments

When the COVID-19 pandemic started, many companies had employees work from home. There was a learning curve for some trying to juggle children at home and working from home. With the pandemic still ongoing and the new Delta variant starting to show, some employers are continuing to have employees work from home. Even though most schools are in session, there is the risk that schools will have classrooms, or the entire school shut down due to Covid-19 cases. If you find yourself working from home with your kids, here are some tips to be able to get through your day.

Schedule. Schedule. Schedule.

A schedule or routine is essential to ensure you are getting your work done and your children have structure. Continuing some type of routine or schedule like you would for a normal out of the home is crucial. Have children do their normal morning routine, start schoolwork, breaks, designated lunch time, and play time will help you and them. You may have to even create a schedule if you have another parent working from home. Switch times that one works, and one cares for the children.

Designated Work Area and School Area

If children still have schoolwork or are working online, make sure you set up an area for them to do so. Setting a certain area that is focused on learning with a daily schedule is critical in differentiating school time and play time. This will help your children know when I am in this area I am focused on my task at hand. Make sure you have a designated work area well whether it is a desk, table, or an office to keep you focused.

Take Breaks

You get breaks when you are out of the home working, same needs to go for at home. This can be a great way for you and your children to recharge. Get outside and move your body. We all need a little more exercise.

Stock up on Activities

If your children are younger or need activities to do when they are done with their work, having age-appropriate activities at the ready is important. Having activities on hand allows your children to have something to do to keep from the constant “I’m bored!” and allows you to complete tasks. Some ideas are playdough, video games within allotted screen time, puzzles, Legos, kinetic sand, crafts, books, and coloring/drawing material.

Childproof your Home

Make certain your home is childproofed, especially if you have very young children. Keep cleaning products, medicines, vitamins, breakables, and any other harmful items out of reach. Since you will have to be dividing your attention a little more than normal, this will give you one less thing to worry about. Don’t forget to put those permanent markers up too. *Wink.Wink.*

Give Yourself Some Grace

Working from home with children is not the same as going to the office. Your daily tasks change. Not only are you juggling work tasks, but you are also making sure your children are taken care of. Sometimes your children might need that extra 30 minutes of screen time so you can finish that project or report. Don’t worry too much and keep going.

Take Into Consideration Whether Your Insurance Needs Have Changed

If you’re moving to a home-based business or using office equipment at home, you’ll want to review your homeowners insurance policy in case your coverage needs to be updated based on your circumstances. Not sure if your policy needs to be updated? Contact your insurance agent to go over your current policy with you.

At the end of the day, we are all just trying to do what we can to ensure we are financially and physically taking care of our families. “Normal” might look a little different for a while longer, but with some consistency and a lot of grace we can make the best of it.

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