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What Insurance do you Need in College?

By May 2, 2022November 22nd, 2024No Comments

College is an exciting time for many in life but also probably the busiest. Worrying about classes, assignments, exams, jobs, and living expenses, insurance might be on the backburner or forgotten. You might be thinking, what kind of insurance do college students actually need? Even in college, you do need to make sure you protect yourself and your belongings. We rounded up some of the basic insurance you need in college to take out the guess work.

Health Insurance

Health is one that you need to make a priority. If you are still able to be on your parents’ health insurance, that’s great. If not, looking into your own might have to happen. Some colleges offer health plans if you live on campus as well.

One thing to keep in mind, if you are going to college out of state and are still on your parents’ health insurance, make sure their plan covers you in that state. If they don’t know what your out of network costs are, if the school offers health insurance, or if you need to look elsewhere.

Auto Insurance

Most insurance companies allow you to still stay on your parents’ auto policy while at college. However, your parents’ need to let the insurance company know where the vehicle will be parked. Carriers may not pay the claim if they are not aware of where the car is garaged.

If you can’t stay on your parents’ auto insurance for whatever reason, shop around. Independent insurance agencies can help shop a ton of carriers to take out the hassle of calling each company.  Make sure you keep auto insurance; most states will not let you register your tag without it or will suspend your license.

Also, most insurance companies will offer good grade discounts! If you aren’t taking your vehicle to college and it is on your parents’ policy, a lot of companies will also let it be “paused” when not in use.

Renters Insurance

If you rent a home or apartment off campus, renters’ insurance is a good idea. Protect your belongings where you stay. If you are staying on campus, most of the time your parents’ homeowner’s insurance will cover your belongings in campus housing. If you do need separate renters’ insurance, basic insurance should work unless you are bringing expensive belongings such as expensive sports equipment, high end jewelry, or an expensive computer. Check with your current carrier, you may be able to get a multi-policy discount.


Going away to college is exciting, yet daunting at the same time. A lot of decisions need to be made all at once. Making sure you protect yourself as well as your property is one decision you need to make prior to attending to be prepared. If you need help getting started, our agents can help steer you in the right direction to make the process easier.

Start a quote here.

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